Solar Energy

Power Your Profits: Solar Savings for Savvy Businesses


Our rooftop systems are engineered to continue generating power for 25 years. After the initial investment is recouped, (typically four years), it essentially means free electricity whenever the sun is shining.

  • Flexible Financing
  • Tried and tested, innovative, evolving technologies
  • No obligation quotes

Start utilising the sun's energy to power your tomorrow.

Save money. Cut emissions. Reduce your reliance on the grid.

You could be paying approximately 5p per kilowatt-hour for the electricity you produce. This represents a significant saving compared to the average rate of over 20p per kWh that many UK businesses are paying.

By installing solar panels and securing your own energy supply you are less dependent on the grid. This means you’re less exposed to volatile prices and the risks of outages.

All we require is a brief 10-minute phone call to discuss key questions.

Following this, we'll conduct a desktop survey of your site, analyse your energy profile, create an initial design, and provide you with a costed proposal.

There's no obligation whatsoever, but if you decide to proceed, the subsequent steps would involve a thorough site survey and the application process for a grid connection.

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